Improved Attenuation-Based Radar Precipitation Estimation Considering the Azimuthal Variabilities of Microphysical Properties
Source: Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21(7), 1605-1620
Journal Title:Journal of Hydrometeorology
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NOAA Program & Office:
Description:The attenuation-based rainfall estimator is less sensitive to the variability of raindrop size distributions (DSDs) than conventional radar rainfall estimators. For the attenuation-based quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE), the key is to accurately estimate the horizontal specific attenuation AH, which requires a good estimate of the ray-averaged ratio between AH and specific differential phase KDP, also known as the coefficient α. In this study, a variational approach is proposed to optimize the coefficient α for better estimates of AH and rainfall. The performance of the variational approach is illustrated using observations from an S-band operational weather radar with rigorous quality control in south China, by comparing against the α optimization approach using a slope of differential reflectivity ZDR dependence on horizontal reflectivity factor ZH. Similar to the ZDR-slope approach, the variational approach can obtain the optimized α consistent with the DSD properties of precipitation on a sweep-to-sweep basis. The attenuation-based hourly rainfall estimates using the sweep-averaged α values from these two approaches show comparable accuracy when verified against the gauge measurements. One advantage of the variational approach is its feasibility to optimize α for each radar ray, which mitigates the impact of the azimuthal DSD variabilities on rainfall estimation. It is found that, based on the optimized α for radar rays, the hourly rainfall amounts derived from the variational approach are consistent with gauge measurements, showing lower bias (1.0%), higher correlation coefficient (0.92), and lower root-mean-square error (2.35 mm) than the results based on the sweep-averaged α.
Source:Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21(7), 1605-1620
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