Best management practices (BMPs) for construction, dredge and fill and other activities adjacent to coral reefs
Corporate Authors:
NOAA Program & Office:
Description:"Best Management Practices (BMPs) are defined herein as the physical, structural and/or managerial practices that when used singly or in combination, prevent or minimize adverse impacts to environmental resources resulting from coastal construction activities. The majority of existing BMPs that address water quality and sedimentation impacts have been developed for upland construction activities in order to reduce or eliminate runoff of pollutants and sediment into wetlands and surface waters. BMPs were first developed and implemented by the Soils Conservation Service in response to significant soil losses on farms due to wind and water-based erosion (Helms 2007). Examples include contour plowing and maintenance of tree lines along farm field boundaries. The principal goal is maintaining water quality and eliminating or reducing erosion generated sedimentation. However, existing BMPs for marine construction in the open ocean environment for the protection of submerged aquatic resources are fewer in number"--Intro.
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