GEFSv12 Reforecast Dataset for Supporting Subseasonal and Hydrometeorological Applications
Source: Monthly Weather Review, 150(3), 647-665
Journal Title:Monthly Weather Review
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NOAA Program & Office:
Description:For the newly implemented Global Ensemble Forecast System, version 12 (GEFSv12), a 31-yr (1989–2019) ensemble reforecast dataset has been generated at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). The reforecast system is based on NCEP’s Global Forecast System, version 15.1, and GEFSv12, which uses the Finite Volume 3 dynamical core. The resolution of the forecast system is ∼25 km with 64 vertical hybrid levels. The Climate Forecast System (CFS) reanalysis and GEFSv12 reanalysis serve as initial conditions for the Phase 1 (1989–99) and Phase 2 (2000–19) reforecasts, respectively. The perturbations were produced using breeding vectors and ensemble transforms with a rescaling technique for Phase 1 and ensemble Kalman filter 6-h forecasts for Phase 2. The reforecasts were initialized at 0000 (0300) UTC once per day out to 16 days with 5 ensemble members for Phase 1 (Phase 2), except on Wednesdays when the integrations were extended to 35 days with 11 members. The reforecast dataset was produced on NOAA’s Weather and Climate Operational Supercomputing System at NCEP. This study summarizes the configuration and dataset of the GEFSv12 reforecast and presents some preliminary evaluations of 500-hPa geopotential height, tropical storm track, precipitation, 2-m temperature, and MJO forecasts. The results were also compared with GEFSv10 or GEFS Subseasonal Experiment reforecasts. In addition to supporting calibration and validation for the National Water Center, NCEP Climate Prediction Center, and other National Weather Service stakeholders, this high-resolution subseasonal dataset also serves as a useful tool for the broader research community in different applications.
Source:Monthly Weather Review, 150(3), 647-665
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