The economics of independent marine recreational fishing bait and tackle retail stores in the United States, 2013
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Description:In 2014, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) conducted the Marine Recreational Bait and Tackle Economic Survey (RBTES) to better understand the economic condition and contributions to the regional and national economy of retail stores that sell marine fishing bait and tackle. This study focused on retail stores that sell bait and tackle to saltwater anglers in coastal and near-coastal communities located in 23 U.S. states on the Atlantic, Gulf, of Mexico, and Pacific coasts, including Alaska and Hawaii.The RBTES was designed to provide NOAA Fisheries' first baseline economic assessment of the retail marine bait and tackle industry, and collected data on the 2013 cost and earnings of independently owned businesses. Efforts were made to collect data on national chains (e.g. Bass Pro Shops, Walmart) that sell bait and tackle, but they are not included in this report due to limited participation in the study. Independent stores receiving the survey came from and exhaustive list of businesses compiled by NOAA Fisheries with the assistance of state marine fisheries agencies, and two major industry wholesalers. NOAA Fisheries received surveys from 944 stores out of 3.514 businesses that were sent surveys and were not otherwise identified as being ineligible to participate. (i.e., did not have retail sales of bait and tackle; non-deliverable address; no longer in business) for a national response rate of 27 percent. A little over one-third (35.1%) of responding stores classified themselves as "Bait & Tackle" stores that catered almost exclusively to recreational anglers. These retail stores averaged
Content Notes:Clifford Hutt, Sabrina Lovell, and Scott Steinback.
"July 2015."
Includes bibliographical references (page 110).
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