ENSO Precipitation and Temperature Forecasts in the North American Multimodel Ensemble: Composite Analysis and Validation
Source: Journal of Climate, 30(3), 1103-1125
Journal Title:Journal of Climate
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NOAA Program & Office:
Description:In this study, precipitation and temperature forecasts during El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events are examined in six models in the North American Multimodel Ensemble (NMME), including the CFSv2, CanCM3, CanCM4, the Forecast-Oriented Low Ocean Resolution (FLOR) version of GFDL CM2.5, GEOS-5, and CCSM4 models, by comparing the model-based ENSO composites to the observed. The composite analysis is conducted using the 1982–2010 hindcasts for each of the six models with selected ENSO episodes based on the seasonal oceanic Niño index just prior to the date the forecasts were initiated. Two types of composites are constructed over the North American continent: one based on mean precipitation and temperature anomalies and the other based on their probability of occurrence in a tercile-based system. The composites apply to monthly mean conditions in November, December, January, February, and March as well as to the 5-month aggregates representing the winter conditions. For anomaly composites, the anomaly correlation coefficient and root-mean-square error against the observed composites are used for the evaluation. For probability composites, a new probability anomaly correlation measure and a root-mean probability score are developed for the assessment. All NMME models predict ENSO precipitation patterns well during wintertime; however, some models have large discrepancies between the model temperature composites and the observed. The fidelity is greater for the multimodel ensemble as well as for the 5-month aggregates. February tends to have higher scores than other winter months. For anomaly composites, most models perform slightly better in predicting El Niño patterns than La Niña patterns. For probability composites, all models have superior performance in predicting ENSO precipitation patterns than temperature patterns.
Source:Journal of Climate, 30(3), 1103-1125
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