Current resource conditions in Georges Bank and Mid-Atlantic sea scallop populations : results of the 1996 NEFSC sea scallop research vessel survey
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Current resource conditions in Georges Bank and Mid-Atlantic sea scallop populations : results of the 1996 NEFSC sea scallop research vessel survey

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  • Personal Author:
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  • NOAA Program & Office:
  • Description:
    The 1996 Northeast Fisheries Science Center sea scallop survey was conducted during July 29 - August 9 and August 15 - 26 using the RIV ALBATROSS IV. The purpose of the survey was to monitor trends in abundance, population composition, and recruitment of sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) resources in the Mid-Atlantic and Georges Bank regions in depths between 28-110 meters (15 to 60 fin). A total of 429 sampling tows were conducted during the 1996 survey. Survey indices of relative abundance (stratified mean number per tow) and biomass (stratified mean meat weight per tow) were calculated for the principal scallop areas within the Mid-Atlantic and USA Georges Bank regions. Indices were derived for: 1) pre-recruits [80 meat count]; 2) recruits or harvestable-sized scallops [70 mm shell height; 80 meat count]; and 3) total scallops [all sizes]. In addition, percentage distributions of the number of scallops within five meat count intervals were calculated for each stratum, area, and region. Meat count refers to the number of scallop meats per pound. Results of the 1996 survey indicate that the indices of relative abundance and biomass in the Mid-Atlantic region decreased substantially from the relatively high levels observed in 1995. In the USA Georges Bank region, the indices of relative abundance and biomass increased substantially from the 1995 value. The most substantial increases of abundance and biomass indices occurred in the Northern Edge and Peak area; however, the indices decreased in the Southeast Part area between 1995 and 1996. . The Mid-Atlantic scallop resource had a high proportion of small scallops in 1996: 17% of the scallops caught were >80 count and 56% were in the 80-40 count category. Of the harvestable biomass <80 count), 50% of the Mid-Atlantic resource was comprised of scallops between 80-40 count, while larger-sized scallops<30 count) accounted for only 26%. In contrast to the Mid-Atlantic region, large scallops<30 count) have been well represented in the harvestable biomass of scallops from the USA portion of Georges Bank in recent years. In 1996, 49% by weight and 21% by number of the harvestable scallops were in <30 count category. The scallops in the 80-40 count category have exceeded half of the number of scallops in the harvestable resource in the USA Georges Bank Region from 1987 to 1995, but fell below 50% in 1996, the first time since 1987.
  • Content Notes:
    by Han-Lin Lai and Lisa Hendrickson.

    "June 1997."

    Chiefly tables.

    System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader.

    Includes bibliographical references (page 6-7).

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    Public Domain
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