Salmon shark, Lamna ditropis, movements, diet, and abundance in the eastern North Pacific Ocean and Prince William Sound, Alaska
Alternative Title:Exxon Valdez oil spill, restoration project final report
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Description:Salmon shark movement, diet, and abundance data were used to assess the role of the salmon shark, Lamna ditropis (Hubbs & Follett 1947), as a top predator in the trophic ecology of Prince William Sound (PWS). Based on our observations, we propose 4 modes of movement for salmon sharks in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) and eastern North Pacific Ocean: focal foraging movements, foraging dispersals, directed migrations, and annual fidelity to PWS focal foraging areas. Salmon sharks aggregating at focal foraging areas in PWS are associated in time and space with adult Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) spawning migrations. As adult salmon concentrations taper off in late summer, salmon sharks disperse from focal foraging areas in PWS; some sharks continue to forage in PWS and the northern GOA into fall and winter months, while other sharks tracked by this study underwent directed southeasterly migrations toward the west coasts of Canada and the United States. Adult Pacific salmon were the principle prey during summer months in PWS, but salmon sharks had a varied diet even when adult salmon were abundant. From systematic aerial survey counts, we estimate 2,000 salmon sharks were at the surface of Port Gravina on August 16, 2000. We estimate these 2,000 salmon sharks consumed 263,000 kg of prey during an estimated 45 day residency in Port Gravina in 2000.
Content Notes:Leland B. Hulbert, Stanley D. Rice.
Issued in part by the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council.
"Restoration project 02396, final report."
"December 2002."
Also available online in PDF.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 24-26).
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