Environmental assessment for issuance of permits to take Steller sea lions by harassment during surveys using unmanned aerial systems
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Description:The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) proposes to issue permits to take Steller sea lions for research, including during surveys using unmanned aerial systems (UAS). The effects of various research methods on Steller sea lions were evaluated in a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement on the Steller Sea Lion and Northern Fur Seal Research Programs (PEIS; NMFS 2007). That PEIS included analysis of the effects of aerial surveys using manned aircraft and did not consider the effects of UAS because they were not a proposed survey method at the time the PEIS was prepared. This EA supplements the analysis in that PEIS to evaluate the effects of takes by surveys using UAS. It also evaluates new information on the status of the species as it relates to the effects of permit issuance.
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