Coastal migratory pelagics sale and permit provisions, Amendment 20A to the fishery management plan for the coastal migratory pelagic resources of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic : including environmental assessment, fishery impact statement, regulatory impact review, and regulatory flexibility act analysis
Alternative Title:Amendment 20A to the fishery management plan for coastal migratory pelagic resources of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Region;Coastal migratory pelagics, Amendment 20A;Environmental assessment (EA) for Amendment 20A to the fishery management plan for the coastal migratory pelagic resources of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Region (FMP) [RIN 0648-8083;
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Description:"The EA analyzed the effects of a range of alternatives identified in Amendment 20A to the FMP that modify the coastal migratory pelagics permit requirements and restrictions. This included modification of the sales provisions and income requirements"--Cover letter summary.
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