Advancing model-based essential fish habitat descriptions for North Pacific species in the Bering Sea
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Description:Advancing model-based descriptions of essential fish habitat (EFH) for federally managed fishes and invertebrates is a key component of the 5-year Review process mandated for EFH information in Fishery Management Plans. The analyses presented here demonstrate refinements and advances built on the habitat-based species distribution modeling (SDM) approach established in the previous EFH 5-year Review. All of the ensemble SDMs constructed for Bering Sea species in this present work predict EFH Level 2 information (habitat-related abundance), meeting a key objective of the EFH Research Plan for Alaska. We also met another objective of the Research Plan by introducing maps of EFH Level 3 information (habitat-related vital rates) for settled early juvenile Pacific cod in the eastern Bering Sea for the first time. In the present work, we describe EFH in the Bering Sea for 31 North Pacific groundfishes with up to three life stages per species and for 4 crab species and one octopus. Geographic location, bottom depth, and bottom temperature were the most common top contributors to the deviance explained by the ensembles predicting abundance and underpinning the EFH maps and descriptions. Bottom currents were also important predictors of distribution and abundance for many flatfishes, rockfishes, and skates modeled in the Bering Sea. The maps and descriptions presented here represent “best available science” to form a basis for assessing anthropogenic impacts to habitats in Alaska and are extensible to other fishery management and ecosystem information needs. Recommended future research includes developing methods for combining disparate data sources to expand spatial and seasonal coverage of Alaska species distribution and abundance and increasing the scope of EFH research to address rapidly changing environmental conditions in the region.
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