Determining Implementation Barriers For Green Infrastructure For Coastal Flood Control: Stormwater Modeling Report
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Description:The Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium (U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under NOAA Award NA18OAR4170080) has issued a grant to University of Mississippi researchers to analyze technical, financial, and legal barriers to implementing green stormwater infrastructure (GSI). The research has been conducted in partnership with two coastal municipalities, Biloxi, MS and Orange Beach, AL. Study sites were selected from each city, and the analysis was conducted using the site plans as sample development designs. This research aims to help coastal cities become more resilient to flooding by improving their stormwater management practices. Including GSI as part of the stormwater management systems can control flooding and meet the stormwater ordinance requirements (Kousky et al. 2013). Bioretention, rain gardens, permeable pavements, and rain barrels are some examples of GSI. Specific barriers to the implementation of GSI identified for this project are: lack of track records on the performance of GSI; higher costs related to the construction and maintenance and operation (O&M) of GSI; and that city ordinances do not require GSI (CWAA 2016; Dhakal and Chevalier 2017). While GSI can also improve water quality, that assessment is outside the scope of this project.
Sea Grant Document Number:MASGP-21-092
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Rights Information:CC0 Public Domain
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