Statistically and Dynamically Downscaled Calibrated Probabilistic 10-m Wind Vector Forecasts Using Ensemble Model Output Statistics
Source: Monthly Weather Review, 146(9), 2859-2880
Journal Title:Monthly Weather Review
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NOAA Program & Office:
Description:A computationally efficient method is developed that performs gridded postprocessing of ensemble 10-m wind vector forecasts. An expansive set of idealized WRF Model simulations are generated to provide physically consistent, high-resolution winds over a coastal domain characterized by an intricate land/water mask. The ensemble model output statistics (EMOS) technique is used to calibrate the ensemble wind vector forecasts at observation locations. The local EMOS predictive parameters (mean and variance) are then spread throughout the grid utilizing flow-dependent statistical relationships extracted from the downscaled WRF winds. In a yearlong study, the method is applied to 24-h wind forecasts from the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) at 28 east-central Florida stations. Compared to the raw GEFS, the approach improves both the deterministic and probabilistic forecast skill. Analysis of multivariate rank histograms indicates that the postprocessed forecasts are calibrated. A downscaling case study illustrates the method as applied to a quiescent easterly flow event. Strengths and weaknesses of the approach are presented and discussed.
Source:Monthly Weather Review, 146(9), 2859-2880
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