Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease Surveillance Guidelines For The Indo-Pacific
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NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:This document was developed in an effort to provide guidelines for coral reef managers and field conservation practitioners and researchers in the Indo-Pacific region regarding surveillance and detection of stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD). SCTLD is a highly lethal and fast spreading coral disease impacting the Atlantic and Caribbean but not yet found in the Pacific.
This guide is not intended to replicate the more technical guidance in existing Pacific coral disease response plans. This document includes numerous photos of Atlantic and Caribbean corals affected by SCTLD. While we are aware these species are not found in the Pacific, at this time not much is known about how SCTLD may affect Pacific corals. Therefore, we thought it would be helpful to include images showing the many different ways in which SCTLD presents on different morphologies and species that are closely related to those in the Indo-Pacific. Guidelines in this document are based on current knowledge of how SCTLD presents in Atlantic and Caribbean coral reef ecosystems.
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