The Economic Impact Of Buying Local: Documenting The Potential Benefits Of Increased Shellfish Mariculture Production In South Carolina
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NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:In 2021, one of the priorities of the South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium (SCSGC) is to facilitate the long-run sustainable expansion of shellfish mariculture in South Carolina. One of the strategies being employed in this effort is gauging interest across universities and other educational institutions in the state in investing in a series of new infrastructure and research initiatives that supports this long-run sustainable expansion. These investments are designed to increase local mariculture oyster production in order to capture the demand in South Carolina that is currently being met by out-of-state suppliers. Whenever South Carolina consumers purchase oysters (or any other good) from an out-of-state supplier, these dollars are effectively “lost” because they are not being spent within the state and thus do not generate local economic activity. As such, to the extent that additional local mariculture oyster production can increase the number of in-state purchases among South Carolina mariculture oyster consumers, this would represent a set of economic gains for the state.
Sea Grant Document Number:SCSGC-T-21-05
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Rights Information:CC0 Public Domain
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