Human-caused injury and mortality of NMFS-managed Alaska marine mammal stocks, 2007-2011
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Description:"This report consists of records of human-caused mortality and injury for cetaceans and pinnipeds occurring in Alaska and assessed within the Alaska Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Reports (SARs). I f deaths or injuries to marine mammal s assessed in the U.S. Pacific Marine Mammal SARs are reported in Alaska waters, the records are sent to the Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) for inclusion in the report summarizing mortality and injury for U.S. Pacific west coast marine mammal stocks (Carretta et al. 2013). Sources of marine mammal injury and mortality data include, but are not limited to, marine mammal stranding network responders, fishery observer programs, disentanglement network teams, opportunistic observations, and self-reporting of entanglements and vessel collisions. Most human-caused marine mammal deaths and injuries result from entanglements in commercial and recreational fishing gear, entanglements in marine debris, and vessel collision. Additionally, other incidental or intentional injuries are also reported. Deaths and injuries resulting from subsistence hunts and harvests are not reported in this document but are available in the SARs (Allen and Angliss in prep). Human-caused mortality and injury data for the 5-year period from 2007 to 2011 were compiled, and each injury record assessed to determine whether it was a non- serious injury (NSI) or serious injury (SI). All information pertinent to decisions of NSI and SI is presented in this report and tabulated for each stock. Mortality and serious injury data were summarized by stock, source, and year for estimates reported in the 2013 SARs (Allen and Angliss in prep.)"--Introduction.
Content Notes:by B.M. Allen, V.T. Helker, and L.A. Jemison.
"April 2014."
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Includes bibliographical references (pages [11-12].
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