Cruise report: Coral Reef Ecosystem Research and Larval Bluefin Tuna Ecology Survey (2016) NOAA Ship Nancy Foster (NF-16-02 and NF-16-03) (US Department of State Cruise ID: F2016-013) 28 April 2016 through 25 June 2016
By Smith, Ryan
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Description:Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABT) is the highest-valued Atlantic tuna species on the market today. The species is an important export for American fishermen, with a majority of the product going to Japanese markets. The United States also imports ABT for consumption from a number of nations. Management of the ABT is carried out in accordance with agreements by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) and the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) covering the (i) Atlantic Ocean, (ii) Gulf of Mexico, and (iii) US Caribbean. In US waters, ABT are subject to two regulations: the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act and the Atlantic Tunas Convention Act. Given the highly migratory behavior of this species, fisheries management is a complex, international concern. ABT are overfished throughout their range in the Atlantic Ocean, and current population levels are at an historic low. Plankton surveys targeting larval ABT have been completed by NMFS annually in the northern Gulf of Mexico since 1977 using a fixed-grid of stations. However, this current ichthyoplankton sampling strategy is limited to the US EEZ. In an effort to improve our understanding of ABT spawning activity and the environmental conditions affecting the western Atlantic stock, we propose to sample areas adjacent to confirmed spawning grounds (the Gulf of Mexico) in the US EEZ.
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