Invasive Species Of Aquatic Plants And Wild Animals In Minnesota: Annual Report 2008
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Sea Grant Program:
Description:Each year, by January 15, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is required to prepare a report for the Legislature that summarizes the status of management efforts for invasive species (aquatic plants and wild animals) under its jurisdiction. Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 84D.02, Subd. 6, specify the type of information this report must include: expenditures, progress in, and the effectiveness of management activities conducted in the state, including educational efforts and watercraft inspections, information on the participation of others in control efforts, and an assessment of future management needs. Additional sections have been added to this report to provide a thorough account of DNR's Invasive Species Program activities and other activities related to invasive species of aquatic plants and wild animals.
Sea Grant Document Number:MINNU-T-09-001
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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