Final environmental assessment, environmental assessment to analyze impacts of NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service determination that five hatchery programs for Elwha River salmon and steelhead as described in joint state-tribal hatchery and genetic management plans and one tribal harvest plan satisfy the Endangered Species Act Section 4(d) rule
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Description:"The permit holders propose to continue five jointly operated hatchery programs in the Elwha River basin. The Lower Elwha Kallam Tribe and the WDFW submitted the plans pursuant to limit 6 of the 4(d) Rule for the listed Puget Sound Chinook salmon evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) and listed Puget Sound steelhead distinct population segment (DPS). Two of the hatchery programs release ESA-listed Chinook salmon and three hatchery programs release ESA-listed Chinook salmon and steelhead, and three hatchery programs release non-ESA listed coho, fall chum, and pink salmon into the Elwha River watershed. All of the programs are currently operating, and all five hatchery programs raise fish native to the Elwha River basin"--Summary from cover letter.
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