Estimation of bycatch with bony fish, sharks, and rays in the 2021 Hawaii permitted shallow-set longline fishery
Series: PIFSC data report ; DR-22-30
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Description:The attached Excel Workbook (pir.hi.ssll.fish.2021.xlsx) includes annual observed bycatch for 2021. The workbook includes a worksheet labeled “key” that provides definitions of the column headings and the items being estimated. The observed numbers were derived using the Longline Observer Data System (Pacific Islands Regional Office, 2021). In 2021, 100% of shallow-set trips had an observer deployed on them and the recorded observed bycatch numbers are the estimated bycatch for the fishery. On very rare occasions, the entire haul back was not observed; consequently, there may be a small amount of measurement error in some of the estimates.
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