NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:In 1964 the United States and Japan established the Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR) to promote conservation of marine and terrestrial resources through cooperation in applied science and technology. Many of the achievements highlighted in this publication are the result of frank dialogue between the scientists of our two countries. As a result of collaboration under the UJNR, the United States and Japan are better able to understand and predict natural disasters such as earthquakes (and associated tsunamis) and fires, prevent the loss of important food and fiber resources, and manage and conserve the resources of the oceans and forests. As the UJNR program enters its 30th year, its importance as a tool for international cooperation continues to grow. The objective of the UJNR is to aid future generations by jointly addressing environmental issues.
Sea Grant Document Number:NSGO-Q-94-003
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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