Estimating Great Lakes Water Consumption: Analysis Of Existing Models
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Description:An analysis of the multiple, international interests in Great Lakes water consumption and management. It examines in depth the water consumption estimates used to calculate Great Lakes water usage. This report focuses on the 14 models IDCU (International Great Lakes Diversions and Consumptive Uses Study Board) developed to estimate water consumption for seven water use sectors in the United States and in Canada. These models often include subcategories within the sectors and geographic units for data aggregation. The methods, assumptions and implications of each model are discussed, along with many sector-specific suggestions on how best to address inconsistencies and uncertainties. Consumptive use equations were constructed for each water use sector from the disparate information available on past methods. These equations are fundamentally linear, with nonlinear and logarithmic functions embedded in certain variables. A notation system assigns specific parameters to model variables and constants.
Sea Grant Document Number:WISCU-T-91-001
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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