Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium 2001-2003 Omnibus Annual Progress Report For Period February 1, 2001- January 31, 2002
Series: MASGP ; 02-009
Corporate Authors:
NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:This report documents progress on the 2001 Omnibus program under NCAA Grant #NA86RG0039 which began February 1, 2001, and ended on January 31, 2002. This Omnibus period is the first year of the three-year proposal package that was submitted as the 2001-2003 Omnibus Proposal. Additionally, having requested and received one-year no-cost extensions, projects included in the 1998- 2000 Omnibus closed on January 31,2001. A summary of the accomplishments of these projects is included in Appendix H. Objectives of the MASGC program include working with organizations interested in the sustainability of coastal resources, promoting strategic assets of the program and its quality pool of investigators, and integrating programmatic efforts with those of the universities to produce greater benefits for the coastal communities being served. The key to achieving results is in our approach to effective partnering, efficient management and utility of program resources, and in making prudent investments in program development. Program development funds are used to initiate single and multi-institutional projects with the intention that these seed efforts will result in larger proposals for submission to other Federal, State, local, industry, or non-traditional Sea Grant sponsors. Funds are also used to address pressing issues of common interest in the coastal zones of Mississippi, Alabama, and the northern Gulf of Mexico by sponsoring workshops and symposia that bring experts together to formulate solutions. The MASGC 2001-2003 Omnibus program started February 1,2001. Included in this omnibus are fifteen projects: two in Advanced Technology, four in Seafood Production, three in Coastal Ecosystem Health, and six Education and Human Resources projects, as well as the Program Management and Program Development projects. A brief update on the progress of each of these projects, except for one Coastal Ecosystem Health project which doesn't begin until February 1,2002, is included in Appendix G. Also included in the program year are four National Strategic Initiative projects as part of the Gulf Oyster Industry Initiative, one project selected for funding as part of the Minority Serving Institutions Initiative, and two projects selected for funding under the 2001 Aquatic Nuisance Species Program. This report is the Director's report of Accomplishments and Impacts.
Sea Grant Document Number:MASGC-Q-02-001
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