Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium 1978 Annual Report
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Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium 1978 Annual Report

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  • NOAA Program & Office:
  • Sea Grant Program:
  • Description:
    This 1978 annual report covers July 1, 1978 through June 30, 1979 and has been a period of significant accomplishment and change. The accomplishment is documented by major programmatic federal funding increases and the elevation of the Mississippi-​Alabama Sea Grant Consortium (MASGC) Program from Coherent Area to Institutional status. The changes which have developed within the program are those which have been instituted to provide increased response to identified public needs in the marine resource area, and to develop a project and program review mechanism whereby only the finest, most needed research efforts were included within the program. Additionally, significant new efforts were directed toward increasing broadly scoped marine educational opportunities within the bi-state area. As a result of the changing program emphasis, this annual report may be considered transitional to a newly developed programmatic philosophy, in which the primary emphasis of the program will be placed upon the enhancement of mankind's realization of the ocean environment, or to phrase it differently, upon the wise development and utilization of the marine environment for man's needs and activities. Conservation of marine resources is a major theme in this philosophy, with conservation properly defined as "wise utilization." During the transition period a number of new initiatives have been developed. These deal primarily within those areas of concern and interest previously described under living marine resource development and broadened educational opportunities and activities.
  • Series:
  • Sea Grant Document Number:
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  • Rights Information:
    Public Domain
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