A New Generation Of Underwater Unmanned Tethered Vehicles Carrying Heavy Equipment At Large Depths
Series: MITSG ; 85-30TN
Personal Author:
NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:The design, engineering, simulation and control system of a tethered, unmanned submersible capable of carrying heavy loads at large depths are described. The need to perform heavy duty tasks underwater is increasing rapidly with the burgeoning offshore industry; this report provides a systematic procedure to rationally design such vehicles. The principal issues of simulation and control are addressed. A compilation of data was deemed necessary as the research proceeded as well as the development of new areas such as the dynamics of translating catenaries. This information is included in appendices. Information on the dynamics of travelling cables is also provided.
Sea Grant Document Number:MIT-Q-84-003
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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