Dispersion and foraging ranges of Hawaiian monk seals (Monachus schauinslandi) near Lisianski and Midway Islands, 2000-2001
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Description:"We studied the movements of 26 Hawaiian monk seals (8 weaned pups [4 male, 4 female], 9 juveniles [7 male, 2 female], 9 adults [4 male, 5 female]) near Lisianski Island and 16 seals (4 weaned pups [2 male, 2 female], 8 juveniles [ 5 male, 3 female], 4 adults [2 male, 2 female]) near the Midway Islands between October 2000 and September 2001 using satellitelinked radio telemetry, for between 2 and 261 days. Seals ranged over relatively great distances while foraging from autumn through summer. Weaned pups and juveniles from Lisianski Island ranged over much larger distances to forage (up to 400 km) than seals from the Midway Islands (generally < 100km). Adults from both colonies traveled from 100 to 300 km to forage, and those from the Midway Islands dispersed more and traveled greater distances than those from Lisianski. When moving away from each colony, seals generally traveled southwest to forage; exceptions were some adults and juveniles that also ranged northwest to Kure Atoll from the Midway Islands. No seals from the Midway Islands reached Lisianki Island and none from Lisianski moved towards the Midway Islands. In addition to habitats very near atolls and islands, key foraging areas were also at seamounts along the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands ridge. Seals appeared to move quickly along corridors between these submarine features and evidently did not spend much time foraging during transit"--Abstract.
Content Notes:Brent S. Stewart, Pamela K. Yochem.
"January 2004."
Mode of access: World Wide Web.
System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 7-8).
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