NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:In 1977 UNC Sea Grant sponsored 16 full fledged research projects, 16 advisory staff members and several educational programs. Researchers tackled a variety of problems such as waste disposal, erosion, beach access and seafood safety. Sometimes the regular funding cycle for the Sea Grant program is a little too slow to meet certain pressing needs. Rather than let the opportunity for good research pass, the Sea Grant director allocates mini-grants and project initiation funds. In 1977 that's how researchers began to look at the potential for a new cownosed ray fishery, the effects of freshwater runoff on shrimp populations and the use of Japanese black pine to slow erosion. In 1977 three agents living in different sections of the coast worked primarily with the commercial fishing industry. Among other things, they introduced commercial fishermen to labor 4 saving gear and helped them find new markets for their catches. One of the fisheries agents joined the staff early in the year, extending help to fishermen in the southern section of the state for the first time. Another specialist worked with government agencies and individuals interested in solving some of the sticky difficulties of land use management on the coast. And, since recreation is a booming business in the coastal area, it claims a growing portion of Sea Grant's advisory services effort. In 1977 a recreation agent joined the recreation specialist on the Sea Grant team. Together they worked with marina operators, charter boat owners, sport fishermen and a variety of others. With its research and advisory service program well in hand, Sea Grant placed a new emphasis on education in 1977. Several new projects were aimed at improving marine education in the public schools and universities. R​esearch, education and advisory services . . . they all work together to form the Sea Grant program. And just to make sure that the people who need information and help get it, Sea Grant has a team of communications​specialists. They use the mass media and a variety of publications geared to special groups of people to do their job.
Sea Grant Document Number:NCU-Q-77-001
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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