Advances In Seafood Byproducts: 2002 Conference Proceedings. Proceedings Of The 2Nd International Seafood Byproduct Conference, November 10-13, 2002, Anchorage, Alaska
Series: Alaska Sea Grant Report ; 03-01
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Sea Grant Program:
Description:ish processing waste, or secondary process streams, can amount to over 60 percent of landed weight. Fish byproduct utilization and fish waste disposal issues were the subject of a recent conference in Alaska, where 45 contributions representing 18 countries addressed topics critical to the sustainability of fishing industries. These included: the world market; the state of Alaska's fisheries; new secondary products for animal, energy, and industrial uses; new products for human consumption including fish oils and seafood-derived supplements and pharmaceuticals​; and technological advances in processing and product safety.
Sea Grant Document Number:AKU-W-02-001
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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