Tarpon (Megalops Atlanticus) Genetic Recapture Study: Final Report April 1, 2011-March 15, 2012
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Sea Grant Program:
Description:During the contract period of April 1, 2011 through March 15, 2012, Mote Marine Laboratory (MML) Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture worked in partnership with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) to conduct and coordinate the Tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) Genetic Recapture Study (TGRS) around the state of Florida. The goal of the TGRS is to engage anglers in providing DNA samples and corresponding tarpon capture data to use in the evaluation of migration and movement of individual fish recapture rates, connectivity of tarpon between bodies of Florida waters, fish survival, and with time, we may be able to determine if juvenile tarpon caught in Florida provide adult tarpon to Florida's recreational fishery. Involving recreational and professional tarpon angler "citizen scientists" as well as businesses (e.g. bait and tackle shops) around the state are key to the success of this study.
Sea Grant Document Number:FLSGP-T-12-002
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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