Improvements to the GOES-R Rainfall Rate Algorithm
Source: Journal of Hydrometeorology, 17(6), 1693-1704
Journal Title:Journal of Hydrometeorology
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NOAA Program & Office:
Description:The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite series R (GOES-R) will greatly expand the ability to observe the earth from geostationary orbit compared to the current-generation GOES, with more than 3 times as many spectral bands and a 75% reduction in footprint size. These enhanced capabilities are beneficial to rainfall rate estimation since they provide sensitivity to cloud-top properties such as phase and particle size that cannot be achieved using the limited channel selection of current GOES. The GOES-R rainfall rate algorithm, which is an infrared-based algorithm calibrated in real time against passive microwave rain rates, has been previously described in an algorithm theoretical basis document (ATBD); this paper describes modifications since the release of the ATBD, including a correction for evaporation of precipitation in dry regions and improved calibration updates. These improvements have been evaluated using a simplified version applicable to current-generation GOES to take advantage of the high-resolution ground validation data routinely available over the conterminous United States.
Source:Journal of Hydrometeorology, 17(6), 1693-1704
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