The Educator's Guide To Marine Debris: Southeast And Gulf Of Mexico
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Description:The Educator's Guide to Marine Debris for the U.S. Southeast and Gulf of Mexico is designed for educators in both formal and informal education situations. It is a regional introduction to three main categories of marine debris: litter; derelict or abandoned boats; and lost or abandoned commercial and recreational fishing gear. The guide includes information about marine debris, lessons useful for middle school levels, and resources on regional and national levels. It includes middle school activities in science, math, language arts, and social studies; and local state stories. This educational guide was sponsored by the Post and Courier, COSEE, the South Atlantic Sea Grant Programs (NC, SC, GA, and FL), Georgia Department of Natural Resources, North Carolina Big Sweep, SC Dept. Health and Env. Control, SC Dept. of Natural Resources and the University of Georgia Marine Extension Service.
Sea Grant Document Number:SASG-E-09-001
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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