Project Instructions: EX-22-03, North Puerto Rico Mapping and Deep-Sea Camera Demonstration (Mapping)
By Hoy, Shannon
Series: EX-22-03
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Description:This document contains project instructions specific to EX-22-03. For the annual, cross-expedition details, see the “NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer FY2022 Field Season Instructions.” This expedition will commence on April 4, 2022, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and conclude on April 28, 2022, in Newport, Rhode Island. It will include 24-hour-a-day acoustic exploration mapping operations focused on areas generally deeper than 200 m north of Puerto Rico, the high seas, and U.S. waters off the U.S. East Coast. This expedition will also include a demonstration of two deep-sea cameras designed and provided by the Multidisciplinary Instrumentation in Support of Oceanography (MISO) Facility at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). These cameras will be deployed from a modified conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) rosette. Additional science objectives include collecting water samples during these operations and processing water samples for environmental DNA (eDNA).
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