Does Private Aquaculture Benefit The Public? Development Of Private Oyster Aquaculture Industries In Maryland And Virginia As Influenced By Different Scopes Of The Public Trust Doctrine
Source: Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal, 10(2): 1-36
Journal Title:Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal
Personal Author:
NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:As populations increase in coastal areas of the United States, there have been increasing demands on the waters and submerged lands held in trust for the public under the public trust doctrine (or PTD). Increasing uses of these waters has widened the definition of public benefit activities that are protected under the doctrine, and in some instances, the line between public and private benefits in public trust waters has been blurred. In particular, the growth of coastal oyster aquaculture operations in the Maryland and Virginia portions of the Chesapeake Bay has challenged the scope of each state’s public trust doctrine
Source:Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal, 10(2): 1-36
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