Energy Sustainability In The Pacific Basin: Case History Of The State Of Hawaii And The Island Of Oahu As An Example
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NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:As the Earth's population increases to a total of 6.7 billion inhabitants in 2007 and in 2050
to at least 8 billion, all of these individuals will require natural resources to sustain their
existence. With the realization that the Earth's resources – air, water, food, energy, minerals,
etc. – are being strained to support this unprecedented population growth, the concepts of
such sustainability and sustainable development are being examined as a possible remedy
to current and future resource problems. Sustainability is defined in many ways, but it
implies development (not necessarily growth) that supports human progress not simply
in certain places for limited periods of time but for the entire planet far into the future. In
this context, development should not come at the expense of future generations and their
environment and resource needs.
Sea Grant Document Number:HAWAU-T-09-002
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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