Taxonomy Of Economic Seaweeds With Reference To Some Pacific And Caribbean Species Volume Ii
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Description:Preface, James J. Sullivan p.vii Introduction, Isabella A.Abbott p.ix Acknowledgments p.xi Participants p.xiii Section I. Western Pacific Asiatic Species of Sargassum subgenus Sargassum with Keys to the Species Introduction, Tadao Yoshida p.1 Japanese and Taiwanese Species of Sargassum Subgenus Sargassum, Tadao Yoshida p.5 Studies on Chinese Species of Zygocarpic Sargassum, Tseng C.K. and Lu Baoren p.23 Clarification of Some Subgeneric Nomenclature in Sargassum Subgenus Sargassum, Isabella A. Abbott, Tseng C.K., and Lu Baoren p.55 Sargassum from Micronesia, Roy T. Tsuda p.59 Sargassum (Phaeophyta, Fucales, Sargassaceae) in the Hawaiian Islands, William H. Magruder p.65 Section II. Gelidiales Introduction, Isabella A. Abbott p.89 Taxonomic Studies on Chinese Gelidiales ( Rhodophyta), Bernabe Santelices p.91 Chinese Species of Gelidium Lamoureux a n d other Gelidiales (Rhodophyta), with Key, List, and Distribution to the Common Species, Zhang Junfu (C.F. Chang) and Xia Enzhan p.109 Separation of Gelidium and Pterocladia on Vegetative Characters, D. Rodriguez and 8.Santelices p.115 Section Ill. The Red Algal Genera Gracilaria and Polycavernosa: Additional Species from the Western Pacific Introduction, Isabella A. Abbott p.127 On Two New Gracilaria (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) from South China, Zhang Junfu (C.F. Chang) and Xia Bangmei p.131 Some Species of Gracilaria and Polycavernosa from Thailand, Isabella A. Abbott p.137 Some Species of Gracilaria and Polycavernosa from the Siboga Expedition, Isabella A.Abbott p. 51 Section IV. Eucheuma (Rhodophyta, Solieriaceae) Introduction, Isabella A. Abbott p.157 Prodromus ad Systematica Eucheumatoideor​um: A Tribe of Commercial Seaweeds Related to Eucheuma Solieriaceae, Gigartinales), Maxwell S.Doty p.1 59 The Genus Eucheuma J. Agardh in Florida and the Caribbean, Donald P.Cheney p.209 Section V. Laurencia (Rhodophyta, Rhodomelaceae) Introduction, Karla J.McDermid p.221 Laurencia from the Hawaiian Islands: Key, Annotated List, and Distribution of the Species, Karla J.McDermid p.231 Laurencia from China: Key, List and Distribution of the Species, Zhang Junfu (C.F. Chang) and Xia Bangmei p.249 Agar from a Species of Laurencia, a Red Seaweed from the Hawaiian Islands, Earl K.Zablackis and Karla J.McDermid p.253 Section VI. Taxonomic Index p.257
Sea Grant Document Number:HAWAU-W-86-003
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