The Climate And Health Implications Of Bubble-Mediated Sea-Air Exchange
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The Climate And Health Implications Of Bubble-Mediated Sea-Air Exchange

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  • Personal Author:
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  • Description:
    This symposium on bubble-mediated exchanges at the air-sea interface included a number of presentations which are truly multidisciplina​ry in nature, ranging within a single paper from microbiology/me​dicine to physics/meteoro​logy. Three papers addressed the aerosolization of bacteria and marine toxins; several others were centered around droplet contributions to the sea-to-air moisture flux. One paper discussed the occurrence of large salt water droplets in the air over oceans, and another concerned laboratory tank experiments on droplet aerosol formation and how they relate to actual oceanic conditions. The following papers are included in this proceedings: 1. Bacteria and other materials in drops from bursting bubbles. Duncan C. Blanchard pp. 1-16. 2. The aeorosolization of mycobacteria. Joseph O. Falkinham III pp. 17-25. 3. Marine toxins in bubble-​generated aerosol. Richard H. Pierce, et al. pp. 27-42. 4. From the laboratory tank to the global ocean. Edward C. Monahan pp. 43-63. 5. The occurrence of large salt water droplets at low elevations over the open ocean. Gerrit de Leeuw pp. 65-82. 6. Relationships between marine aerosols, oceanic whitecaps, and low-elevation winds observed during the HEXMAX experiment in the North Sea. Roman Marks and Edward C. Monahan pp. 83-99. 7. Enhancement of sea-to-air moisture flux by spray droplets associated with breaking waves and bubble entrainment: simulations in IMST wind tunnel. Patrice Mestayer pp. 101-119. 8. Modeling the droplet contribution to the sea-to-air moisture flux. C. W. Fairall and J. B. Edson pp. 121-146.
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