A Survey Of Summer Homes Along The St. Lawrence River In Lisbon, New York.
Series: NYSSGP-RS- ; 76-018
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NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:This study documents the nature of leisure homes and identifies the characteristics of their owners along a portion of the St. Lawrence River in northern New York State. Leisure homes are numerous in the area; in many river communities they account for a significant portion of the local housing stock. The large number of seasonal dwellings has both economic and environmental impact. The Lisbon, New York shoreline on the St. Lawrence is examined as a case study. The research involves 1) a visual survey, 2) an opinion survey of seasonal home users, and 3) an examination of tax rolls. Density, location, and type of leisure homes indicate the general pattern of development and are in some cases related to environmental problems such as shore erosion. The physical condition of both leisure homes and secondary buildings reflects attitudes of the users toward their property; conditions vary from good. to badly deteriorating. Local tax data are used to determine the relative importance of seasonal homes to the tax base. Suggestions are proposed to aid in finding solutions to some of the shore development problems.
Sea Grant Document Number:NYSGI-T-76-003
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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