Remote Setting And Nursery Culture For Shellfish Growers: Workshop Record February 1 9, 1991 Olympia, Washington
Series: WSG-WO ; 91-02
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NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:The advent of remote setting and nursery culture of oysters and other bivalves, itself a major breakthrough for the shellfish industry, has again propelled the industry a great step forward. Seed producers and growers no longer have to ship seed on heavy cultch to the growout site; now just the tiny larvae--millions of them wrapped in wet gauze and occupying a space no bigger than a baseball can make the journey, saving shipping and maintenance costs. As a result, however, the setting and nursery activities that once took place at a centralized hatchery are now dispersed about the countryside. Therefore a one-day workshop was organized to bring together shellfish growers and scientists to discuss remote setting and nursery procedures prior to growout of the shellfish. The record of this workshop, it is hoped, will serve as a useful reference work for growers, researchers, and students, and help advance shellfish culture in the Pacific Northwest.
Sea Grant Document Number:WASHU-W-91-001
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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