Alaska Sea Grant 2019–2020 Annual Report: 50 Years Serving Alaska
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Alaska Sea Grant 2019–2020 Annual Report: 50 Years Serving Alaska

  • 2020

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  • NOAA Program & Office:
  • Sea Grant Program:
  • Description:
    2020 marks Alaska Sea Grant’s 50th year. Over the last five decades, the program’s research, education, and outreach activities have made positive and lasting contributions to Alaska’s coastal communities, ecosystems, and economies. Alaska Sea Grant’s first research in 1970 included studies of pinnipeds of the Bering and Chukchi Seas, and the uses of seafood waste. Since then, its activities have included hundreds of projects serving local, regional, state, and national interests. Today, Alaska Sea Grant and its Marine Advisory Program agents deliver a diverse range of training and technical assistance to Alaskans, from helping launch food-producing businesses, to planning for challenges brought by rapid changes in climate. Student fellowships and K–12 programming support a new generation of marine scientists and policy experts. Alaska Sea Grant’s investments in education and outreach, and the ability to quickly transfer research to application has helped fuel important discoveries, diversify economies and build resilience in Alaska’s coastal communities. The next 50 years will bring new challenges, and Alaska Sea Grant and its Marine Advisory Program agents around the state will continue to address them with responsive, science-based action and support. During 2020, Alaska Sea Grant hosted the eighth Alaska Young Fishermen's Summit and also provided industry support during the COVID-19 pandemic. This annual report also provides information on Alaska Sea Grant By the Numbers.
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