Biofouling Control Strategies: A Field Guide For Maryland Oyster Growers
Series: UM-SG-UME ; 2020-03
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NOAA Program & Office:
Sea Grant Program:
Description:The Chesapeake Bay is populated by many commercially and ecologically important species. This diversity is valuable to the Bay’s ecology. In oyster aquaculture, colonization by some of these species can cause problems. Biofouling, or plants and animals which colonize oysters and/or cages, can affect profitability. Conservative estimates indicate that 5-10% of total costs to the aquaculture industry are attributed to biofouling control. These organisms can affect shellfish growth and condition, shell strength and valve movement. They can also colonize cage materials, which increases weight for handling and reduces critical water flow by clogging meshes in the cage. This field guide is meant to be carried on board the vessel for quick use in identifying common biofouling organisms in the Chesapeake Bay. For each species, “Description” gives an overview of how the organism looks and functions; “Habitat” indicates areas of the Bay where they may be found; “Operational Effects” tells how the species influences oysters, gear or both; and “Control Strategies” provides information on documented treatments that have proven effective in controlling the species on adult oysters. Images of each species will assist with identification.
Sea Grant Document Number:MDU-H-20-001
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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