What Is The Optimum Mesh Size To Harvest Groundfish On Georges Bank? : Drawing Conclusions From Cooperative Research
Series: UNHMP-TR-SG ; 06-22
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Description:The New England groundfishing industry has witnessed dramatic change over the decades. Once bountiful historic stocks plummeted, leading to today's tightly regulated fishery. One way that modern regulators have attempted to manage fish stocks is by setting minimum codend mesh size regulations for the trawl fishery. To study the effects those regulations have had, two researchers from the University of Rhode Island's Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture embarked on a cooperative research project with two fishermen from New Bedford, Mass. The team set out to determine how past, present and future codend mesh size regulations may affect the rebuilding of stocks of valuable Georges Bank groundfish. This report outlines the research and results, describes the principles offish stock assessment, and concludes with the recommendations the researchers make regarding optimum mesh size.
Sea Grant Document Number:NHU-T-06-001
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Rights Information:Public Domain
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