Evaluating sea turtle injuries in northeast fishing gear report of the Sea Turtle Injury Workshop November 17-18, 2009, Boston, Massachusetts and technical guidelines for assessing injuries of sea turtles observed in northeast region fishing gear
Alternative Title:Report of the Sea Turtle Injury Workshop November 17-18, 2009, Boston, Massachusetts;Technical guidelines for assessing injuries of sea turtles observed in northeast region fishing gear;
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Description:"Fisheries incidentally capture sea turtles as bycatch, resulting in varying levels of injuries. In 2003, NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Northeast Region (NER) developed working guidance to determine the severity of injuries for hard-shelled sea turtles taken in the Atlantic sea scallop dredge fishery. This working guidance was used in Section 7 consultations to help determine if a sea turtle caught (with varying types of injuries) in scallop dredge gear should be considered a lethal or non-lethal interaction. NMFS recognized the need to revisit the working guidance to attempt to encompass other NER gear types (e.g., gillnet, trawl, pound nets, pot/trap) and a wide range of sea turtle injuries, and to use a consistent approach for assessing post-release survival. A November 2009 workshop gathered various experts in sea turtle veterinary medicine, health assessment, anatomy, and/or rehabilitation to: (1) discuss case studies of sea turtles caught in fishing gear with varying levels of injuries; (2) critique the NMFS working guidance and approach for evaluating post-release survival; and (3) comment on the level of information collected by observers. Workshop participants discussed types of sea turtle injuries and associated survivability, turtle behavior, and resuscitation, as well as specific information that should be collected by observers to better assess sea turtle injuries. The information gathered by individual participants at this workshop was then used by NMFS to develop technical guidelines for assessing sea turtle injuries in Northeast fishing gear. The more significant changes to the revised guidelines are described, and the final technical working guidelines are presented. This document represents a summary of the scientific discussions that occurred at the workshop and the technical working guidelines developed by NMFS after consideration of that information. It should be noted that NMFS' revision of the technical guidelines would not have been possible without the valuable comments and insight by the individual workshop participants"--Executive summary.
Content Notes:by Carrie M. Upite.
"June 2011."
"Print publication date June 2011; web version posted July 20, 2011"--Document's home page: http://nefsc.noaa.gov/publications/crd/crd1110/index.html
Mode of access: World Wide Web.
System requirements: Internet browser; Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 18).
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