Troposphere–Stratosphere Coupling Following Tropospheric Blocking and Extratropical Cyclones
Source: Monthly Weather Review, 147(5), 1781–1804
Journal Title:Monthly Weather Review
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NOAA Program & Office:
Description:A climatology of the 100- and 250-hPa 45°–75°N zonal-mean meridional eddy heat flux anomaly, hereafter heat flux anomaly, was created to examine its variability following cool-season (i.e., October–April) blocks and extratropical cyclones. The goal is to elucidate the dynamical and environmental differences between synoptic events followed by the most extreme heat flux anomalies. The analysis was conducted with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 reanalysis. The results show that, on average, European blocks and west Pacific cyclones are followed by positive heat flux anomalies while west Pacific blocks and Atlantic extratropical cyclones are followed by negative heat flux anomalies.
Source:Monthly Weather Review, 147(5), 1781–1804
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