Modification of chemically-defined medium ASP₁₂ for picoplankter Aureococcus anophagefferens, with limited comparison of physiological requirements of New York and New Jersey isolates
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Modification of chemically-defined medium ASP₁₂ for picoplankter Aureococcus anophagefferens, with limited comparison of physiological requirements of New York and New Jersey isolates

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  • Description:
    Two enriched sea water media used for initial culturing of the picoplankter Aureococcus anophagefferens in this laboratory had varied and moderate at best suitability. Utility of both apparently could be affected greatly by difference in the quality of the sea water they were prepared with. One was especially so affected because, found subsequently, it lacked a supplement essential for the picoplankter. Occasional precipitation made it additionally problematic. To enhance vigor and long-term survival of A. anophagefferens in batch culture and support experimental studies, a proven chemically-defined medium, ASP₁₂, was modified for the species. The addition of selenium to original recipe ASP₁₂ permitted good growth of A. anophagefferens. All ASP₁₂ constituents except vitamins were then tested to determine levels most beneficial for A. anophagefferens. The vitamins required by the species, but not minimal concentrations necessary for optimal growth, were determined. Additional nutrients found beneficial for the species by other researchers, and some constituents of other media found to have nutritional benefit for various phytoplankton species, were evaluated and adopted if beneficial. Medium chelation, medium pH, and effects of some plant hormones on growth of the species were assessed. This process ultimately provided a very suitable defined medium for A. anophagefferens. Most testing of medium constituents and physical conditions affecting growth was done with an isolate from Great South Bay, New York. Equivalent testing of some of the constituents and physical factors with an A. anophagefferens strain isolated from Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, permitted a limited comparison. The two strains appear physiologically similar in many respects but have differences in tolerances to some of the constituents. Salinity and temperature tolerances determined for the New York strain in this study are in general agreement with those previously reported for the strain by other researchers; comparison of tolerances of New York and New Jersey strains to these factors indicates they are basically similar.
  • Content Notes:
    by John B. Mahoney.

    "November 2005."

    Also available online in PDF via the NOAA Central Library and the Northeast Fisheries Science Center's website.

    Includes bibliographical references (pages 31-36).

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