Endangered Species Act Section 7(a)(2) Biological Opinion and Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Essential Fish Habitat Response for the Oak Knoll Range Project in Siskiyou County, California
Series: ESA Section 7 Consultation
Alternative Title:Oak Knoll Range Project in Siskiyou County, California
Corporate Authors:
NOAA Program & Office:
Description:The Klamath National Forest (KNF) proposes to authorize cattle grazing on National Forest System lands within the East Beaver, Hornbrook, and Ash Creek Allotments, through permits supported by allotment management plans. Additionally, the proposed action includes a livestock exclosure and water development along lower Cow Creek, a monitoring strategy, and an adaptive management strategy. The action includes the following five Project elements: 1) Annual Livestock Movement up to and down from the three Project Allotments; 2) Livestock Grazing and Use of the three Project Allotments; 3) Construction and Maintenance of a Livestock Exclosure along Lower Cow Creek; 4) Watering Trough Development; and 5) Water Drafting and Use of a Corral.
Annual Livestock Movement up to and down from the three Project Allotments is likely to adversely affect SONCC coho salmon and its Critical Habitat, since unattended/unherded allotment livestock will be able to access, enter, and water in several miles of such Critical Habitat. This has the potential to cause lethal take of SONCC coho salmon eggs in Cow Creek and Grouse Creek near their confluences with Beaver Creek, and along Beaver Creek from these confluences downstream in Beaver Creek to the Hungry Creek Corral.
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