Estimates of marine mammal and marine turtle bycatch by the U.S. Atlantic pelagic longline fleet in 1999-2000
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Description:"This report presents the 1999-2000 estimates of the by catch of marine mammals and turtles by the U.S. Atlantic pelagic longline fleet that lands tunas and Atlantic swordfish. The information is required by NOAA Fisheries to meet its responsibility for management of interactions between protected species and commercial fisheries based on the level of incidental serious injury and mortality. Estimates were based on by catch rates from a representative sample of the fleet recorded by scientific observers, and fishing effort reported by the fleet. Estimates were constructed using the delta-lognormal method. The basic analytical stratum for which bycatch was estimated for each taxon was year-calendar quarter-grouped fishing area (NAREA). If a stratum had reported effort but no observed effort , quarters, years, and finally NAREA were pooled stepwise in that order until the number of observed sets (N min) e 5 before a pooled by catch rate was estimated for the stratum . For marine mammals, 94 (95% C I =19, 481) pilot whales were estimated to be dead due to interaction with pelagic longline in 1999 and 24 (5, 123) in 2000, and the number estimated to be seriously injure 1064) in 196, 463) in 2000. No Risso' s dolphin was estimated to have died in 1999 but 23 (5, 117) were estimated to be seriously injured; in 2000, 41 (8, 210) were estimated to have died and 23 (5, 117) seriously injured. No other species had estimated mortality, but 28 (5, 143) pygmy sperm whales as well as 19 (4, 97) unidentified whales were estimated to be seriously injured. For marine turtles, 1016 (412, 2764) leatherbacks and 994 (512, 2093) loggerheads were estimated to be caught in pelagic longline in 1999; 769 (251, 2512) leatherbacks and 1256 (529, 3391) loggerheads were estimated to be caught in 2000. The only estimated mortality was for 23 (5, 117) loggerheads in 1999"--Summary.
Content Notes:by Cynthia Yeung.
"August 2001."
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Includes bibliographical references (pages 6-7).
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