Endangered Species Act Section 7(a)(2) Biological Opinion and Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Essential Fish Habitat Response for the La Grange Sluice and Tailrace Channel Improvement Project
Series: ESA Section 7 Consultation
Alternative Title:La Grange Sluice and Tailrace Channel Improvements Project
Corporate Authors:
NOAA Program & Office:
Description:The consultation for the La Grange Sluice and Tailrace Channel Improvement Project (Project) was initiated April 22, 2021, and was conducted in accordance with the 2019 revised regulations that implement section 7 of the ESA (50 CFR 402, 84 FR 45016). NMFS reviewed the likely effects of the proposed action on essential fish habitat (EFH), pursuant to section 305(b) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1855(b)), and concluded that the action would adversely affect the EFH for Pacific Coast salmon. Therefore, we have included the results of that review in Section 3 of this document. Based on the best available scientific and commercial information, the biological opinion concludes that the proposed Project is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the federally listed as threatened California Central Valley steelhead distinct population segment (Oncorhynchus mykiss) or destroy or adversely modify its designated critical habitat. For the above species, NMFS has included an incidental take statement with reasonable and prudent measures and terms and conditions that are necessary and appropriate to avoid, minimize, or monitor incidental take of listed species associated with the Project.
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