1979 Florida Area Cumulus Experiment (FACE): operational summary and data inventory
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1979 Florida Area Cumulus Experiment (FACE): operational summary and data inventory

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1979 Florida Area Cumulus Experiment (FACE): operational summary and data inventory


  • Corporate Authors:
  • NOAA Program & Office:
  • Description:
    The confirmatory phase of the Florida Area Cumulus Experiment (FACE2) continued in 1979 after commencement in 1978. The purpose of FACE-2 is confirmation of the results of FACE-1, which suggest that dynamic seeding was instrumental in increasing precipitation over a fixed target area. The period for experimentation in 1979 was 2 July through 31 August. During this time, randomized cloud seeding and other studies were conducted over an area of 1.3 x 10^ km^. The participants in FACE 1979 included four NOAA units, seven university departments and a flight services corporation (Aero Systems, Inc.). The design and execution of FACE 1979 was virtually identical to FACE 1978. The double-blind nature of the experiment was continued and the specified periods of experimentation, treatment and measurement were observed. The treatment decisions were determined with a weighted randomization scheme based upon the mean vector wind in the layer from 1000 ft to 700 mb. Precipitation was estimated from radar, after adjustment based on gage-radar comparisons for an area covering 500 km?. The adjustment cluster is the same as that used in 1978. Additional rain gages were distributed over the target area to permit an independent assessment of the target rainfall. Besides the Core randomized seeding program, the cloud physics and CAPPI (Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator) radar programs, for investigation of the response of the clouds to treatment, continued in 1979. Other aspects of FACE 1979 described here are: FACE control, the surface networks, atmospheric sounding, photography, lightning and satellite subprograms and the documentation of daily weather conditions. During the 61 days of FACE 1979 3 A(< 60 flares) and 14 B(>_ 60 flares) days of randomized experimentation (GO days) were obtained. This gives 7 A and 31 B days in FACE-2 to date. In accordance with the project design, the breakdown of the GO days as a function of treatment remains unknown by the participants to guard against biases in the rainfall analyses and in the cdnduct of future experimentation. This technical memorandum provides a complete summary and data inventory for FACE 1979. The data inventory includes a listing of the type, amount, frequency and quality of the data obtained. Highlights, problems and analysis plans receive extensive treatment.
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