Solar UV flux measurements from the SBUV2 monitor on the NOAA9 satellite. Part 1, Mg II h & k line core-to-wing ratios for 1986-1988
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Description:Analyses ofthe discrete-wavelength mode of observations ofthe solar full-disk Mg II h and k line spectral irradiance measured by the Solar Backscatter UV Monitor (SBUV2) on the NOAA9 satellite are presented. Relative photometry techniques were used to derive a core-to-wing ratio (RMgll)- Thisratio has beenmodified, relative to that used by Heath and Schlesinger’s (1986) classical Mg ITratio derived forsolar UVmeasurements made by their SBUV experiment aboard the Nimbus-7 satellite, to avoid inter-range instrumentation drifts encountered in the NOAA9 SBUV2 monitor. Prior research of the solar Mg II h and k lines is reviewed. The rawmeasurements and observational parameters, such as the angle of the Sun as seen at the SBUV2 monitor, are discussed. Temporal interpolations among the sets ofdiscrete-mode measurements are used to account formost ofthe Sun-angle dependence and to reduce the sensitivity ofthe resultsto any errors in the Sun angles. Wavelength “jitter” and long-term drift are studied, and intensity linearity and inter-range drift are analyzed. The NOAA9 results are compared with same-day Nimbus-7 data, the Kitt Peak Ca K1Aindex, the Canadian 10.7 cm solar radio flux, and observations ofthe solar H Lyman a line. Rocket- and balloon-flight observations ofthe Mg II h and k lines, made with fine-wavelength resolution, are analyzed to determine what their characteristics would be like if they were observed with the broad passband ofthe Nimbus 7 and NOAA9 instruments. RMgll results are presented for 1986-1988.
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