Current velocity profiles in the Straits of Florida from the Pegasus current profiler: Subtropical Atlantic Climate Study (STACS), 1982
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Description:The primary objective of the Sub-Tropical Climate Study (STACS) is to measure the variability of oceanic heat and mass transport in the Straits of Florida. STACS consists of several separate projects designed to complement and support each other in the collection of current velocity, transport and temperature data. The data is collected by different organizations using independent instruments and techniques. These include the Pegasus current profiler used by AOML (Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory)/N0AA and the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS), current meter moorings deployed by RSMAS, electromagnetic (telephone) cable monitored by PMEL (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory)/N0AA, CODAR (Coastal Dynamics Application Radar) operated by WPL (Wave Propagation Laboratory)/N0AA, coastal tide and bottom pressure gauges used by AOML and acoustic techniques, RSMAS.
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