Nearshore transport of hydrocarbons and sediments following the Exxon Valdez oil spill
Alternative Title:Exxon Valdez oil spill state/federal natural resource damage assessment final report
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Description:Following the Exxon Valdez oil spill, sediment traps were deployed in nearshore subtidal areas of Prince William Sound, Alaska (PWS) to monitor particulate chemistry and mineralogy. Complemented by benthic sediment chemistry and core sample stratigraphy at the study sites, results were compared to historical trends and data from other Exxon Valdez studies. These results clearly indicate the transport of oil-laden sediments from oiled shorelines to adjacent subtidal sediments. The composition of hydrocarbons adsorbed to settling particulates at sites adjacent to oiled shorelines matched the PAH pattern of weathered Exxon Valdez crude oil. The highest total PAH concentrations were found near more heavily oiled shorelines and exhibited a declining trend over time. Oil-laden sediments were only slightly incorporated into nearshore benthic sediments, except where uneven bathymetry impedes the transport of sediments from nearshore depositional areas. Hydrocarbon patterns and clay mineralogy show that hydrocarbon contributions from PAH-laden sediments carried into PWS through Hinchinbrook Entrance infrequently exceeded 400 ng/g in the shallow subtidal (< 20 m depth) at sites within or near the path of the spill.
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